Recently I hosted a Soulpreneur Circle on TIME, and one of the things we talked about is how time is cyclical. Though much of our culture is focused on linear time, that’s not how our bodies, our planet, and our businesses actually experience it. I was thinking about this, along with a concept I recently discussed with a podcast guest (episode coming out very soon!) about the “Tipping Point” in business growth, and it led me to draw this (very crude) depiction of the “seasonal” business cycle.

In the beginning of creating a business, we need to spend MORE time, money, and energy to get things off the ground, and find the momentum we need to (eventually) make things easier and more profitable. . . .


If you’re in this stage, you might be worried that you’re not doing things “right” because you’re not seeing immediate results. You’re planting seeds and patiently waiting for the fruits of your labor. Know that it takes TIME to birth a business and see it fully bloom. But, if you want to speed things up considerably, this is the BEST time to invest in support.

When you’re a new entrepreneur, you don’t know what you don’t know. Spring can be a very loooong season when you’re frantically trying to DIY everything and save money (because you don’t have clients yet, which is understandable). Invest in your vision by getting help from someone who has been there and can help guide you through this season with ease and clarity (versus confusion and overwhelm!). Outsource things that aren’t at all in your wheelhouse and focus on honing YOUR unique skills, talents, messaging and offerings. That’s going to catapult you towards the “Tipping Point” much, much sooner than if you go it alone.

“SUMMER” (aka The Tipping Point)

This is when you finally start to see a big shift in your business, especially in your visibility. You’ve planted seeds, done the hard work of strategically setting up your systems, branding, messaging, offers, pricing, marketing, etc. And now people are noticing you, asking for your services, and buying your packages. Yay!


This is when the momentum you created really takes on a life of its own- you are in the flow, creating content and serving your people, while you have systems and support taking care of things in the back-end. You are spending less money and time and energy investing in the business, and are now creating money, time, and energy with more ease.


Ahh, there’s always a season of rest and reflection, right? As I mentioned before, the business cycle is cyclical, not linear. Once you set up your business the “right” way, you will create more spaciousness in your schedule, but you must keep innovating. True business growth demands that we change and evolve – always tapping into our intuition, and the needs of our people, to offer new and varied services + products. So in this season, you will feel called to rest, reflect, and recharge as you think about your successes and “failures” (lessons) so far, and decide what needs to pivot or change to keep you on the path of aligned growth.

Then the cycle starts all over again! Though now there’s more support, knowledge, and experience to back up the ideas so SPRING will be much shorter and easier.


Are you in a “Spring” season, feeling like you’re pushing a boulder up the mountain? Let me help you get to that tipping point more quickly and ease-fully. Contact me for a no-pressure clarity call to discuss my variety of coaching and branding packages, as well as Human Design readings.