about Jess

My Journey

finding Freedom, Flexibility and Purpose

Throughout my whole life, travel has been one of the most important things to me- a passion, a necessity, and a huge catalyst for personal /spiritual growth. My main goal when I started my self-employment journey (as a freelance designer), was just to be able to work from anywhere. Freedom and Flexibility were at the forefront. And through starting and growing my business, I was able to make big shifts in my life- like living “on the road” for a few years (with my touring musician husband), and then more recently spending months in the winter abroad in places like Mexico, Colombia, South Africa and Guatemala.

But after a few years of freelancing, I realized that freedom and flexibility were not enough. I wanted to find and live my purpose. I wanted to work with clients that I deeply connect with, who are also building lives and businesses of purpose. That quest led me to experiment with my business, and combine my business + branding design experience with Soul Purpose Coaching.

I believe there is no separation between work & life- we are purpose-driven beings who need to be in alignment with our truth no matter what we’re doing. Working with other aspiring and current entrepreneurs who desire more freedom and flow in their life has become my purpose.

Now as an entrepreneur with a decade of experience working with other businesses + a certified Soul Purpose & Spiritual Coach, I bring a balance of masculine + feminine energy to working with clients. We need both to thrive: The action-oriented plan for growth AND the intuition-guided strategy that is aligned with our needs for rest, connection, and creative expression. I employ many tools in my work as a coach and branding expert, but my favorite is Human Design. This allows me (and the client) to get really clear on an individual’s “energetic blueprint” and from there we can separate their true gifts and values from layers of conditioning (from society, family, trauma, etc). 

It is an honor to support other women who are making the world a better place by living in alignment with their truth, sharing their gifts with the world, and continually reaching for their Highest Self.

I Share my whole long & winding road to entrepreneurship here!



Sailing, Crafting, Cooking, Reading


Animals (especially fostering rescue dogs!), Travel, Spiritual & Personal Growth


Speak Spanish Fluently, Visit Every Continent


Atlanta, GA

Favorite Places

Istanbul, Charleston (SC), Mexico City, Italy, Lake Atitlan (Guatemala), Cape Town

Human Design

6/2 Manifesting Generator

Other Jobs I’ve Had

House Flipper, Waitress, Music Booking Agent & Manager, Vintage Clothing Seller, Art Gallery Associate, Photographer & Graphic Designer for High-End Clothing Retailer

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Branding by Design: Use your Human Design to create a Soul Brand

Copyright Jess Parvin Designs, LLC. All Rights Reserved.