This Post is a Podcast Episode too!
In this solo podcast episode, I break down some of the most important mindset shifts + strategies for new entrepreneurs to cultivate the attitude needed to walk this path of soulpreneurship. I’ve noticed a lot of trends with clients over the years, and have learned some “hard” lessons on my own entrepreneurial journey. Now I feel pretty clear on what some of the most common mindset blocks are for new entrepreneurs, and what it takes to stay in the game and have a successful, sustainable holistic business.
Here are my top 5 Mindset Shifts:
1. Experimentation: Treating Business Like a Science Lab
Entrepreneurship is a series of experiments, not a linear path to success. Every offer, marketing campaign, or pricing change is just data collection. We learn as we go for the most part- making educated decisions and then gathering feedback as we go so that we can pivot, change, grow and evolve.
2. Redefining Failure as Feedback
Failure is just unmet expectations. It doesn’t mean you’re bad at business—it means you’re learning! And this is part of the “experimental” mindset that is SO important – especially for people with ‘personal’ brands, who tend to take failure personally. It’s not about you, it’s about who you serve. If you’ve encountered failure it’s probably because you aren’t clearly speaking to the needs of your ideal client, or the timing was off, or something else just needs to be tweeked. So we get the feedback from each “failure” and we try again.
3. Overcoming Perfectionism, Fear of Failure, & Imposter Syndrome
Perfectionism leads to procrastination, often in the form of feeling the need to get more certifications/ degrees, or have total clarity on the entire big picture before taking step 1. This keeps SO many would-be entrepreneurs from even getting started.
Fear of failure, on the other hand, keeps you from taking bold action, because you’re equating failure with personal lack (see above section). And then there’s imposter syndrome, which convinces you that you’re not “ready” yet (like perfectionism), not good enough, or not as good as others in your field.
These are just a few of the most common blocks that entrepreneurs have, and we’re always working on them!
4. Getting Comfortable with Discomfort
This is true in life and in business: If you’re never uncomfortable, you’re not growing. New client outreach, raising prices, going live on social media—these necessary parts of running a business are all uncomfortable at first but imperative for business expansion!
5. A CEO Mindset vs. Freelancer Mindset
When I first started out as a self-employed person, I was a freelance graphic designer- trading time for money, saying yes to everything, waiting for opportunities to fall in my lap. Eventually this led to burnout, and frustration because I was letting my clients dictate the direction of my work (i.e. the types of jobs, the pay, the timelines, etc.). Then I realized that I needed to change my mindset to that of a business owner (a CEO!)- owning my expertise, setting boundaries, making strategic decisions, etc.
Are you treating your business like a business or a hobby?
This is a big part of the CEO mindset: treating your business like an asset, and most importantly- as an INVESTMENT. “CEOs” invest in themselves and their business. “Freelancers” try to DIY everything, because they don’t want to invest the money in hiring support – someone who’s been where they want to get to. So they *waste* years (like I did at first!) trying to figure things out, learning ALL the aspects of running a business – instead of focusing on their unique genius and serving their clients.
If you’re a new or aspiring entrepreneur creating a purpose-driven, heart-centered business, I invite you to listen to the full episode and consider each of these points. What resonates most with you? What is holding you back? What is ONE action you could take this week to overcome one of these blocks and move a little closer to your goal?
If you need support, I’d love to connect with you and hop on a quick Clarity Call to learn more about what you’re creating and how I might be able to help!