Bring All of you to your business

Holistic Coaching & Branding for Multi-Passionate, Purpose-Driven Soulpreneurs

Jess Parvin

Bring ALL of you to your business

Holistic Coaching & Branding for Multi-Passionate, Purpose-led Soulpreneurs

you have a vision of what’s possible

Build a thriving business that is fully aligned with your Dharma (Purpose) and supports your ideal lifestyle

Combine your various gifts, passions & experiences into a cohesive brand that resonates deeply with your ideal audience

Get beyond confusion and overwhelm, and begin taking aligned steps towards your Big Vision

Get beyond the fear of “putting yourself out there” and reframe sales/ marketing as an act of service

Align your brand strategy with who you truly are, putting your soul’s purpose in the forefront of everything you create

FREE Masterclass!

Branding by Design

How to use your Human Design to create a Soul Brand that authentically speaks to your Dream Clients, and allows you to market yourself with ease

Hi, I’m Jess

Visionary Guide for Soulpreneurs

I help new and seasoned entrepreneurs who are creating soul-inspired, service-based businesses (like coaches, healers and creatives) align their business with their highest self & ideal lifestyle. Entrepreneurship is the greatest container for personal growth & discovery that I know of, and sometimes we need support when navigating the fears, confusion, overwhelm and self-doubt that can arise. 

As a multi-passionate entrepreneur with a decade of experience working with other businesses, and a certified Soul Purpose & Spiritual Coach, I bring a balance of masculine + feminine energy to working with clients. We need both to thrive: The action-oriented plan for growth AND the intuition-guided strategy that is aligned with our needs for rest, connection, and creative expression.

Let me support you as you grow your soul-aligned, purpose-driven brand!

Create & grow your business to be in alignment with who you are & where you are going.

Combining mindset techniques with tangible skills, we’ll create a clear plan of action for starting your online business, or pivoting your existing business in a more holistic way. 

In-Person events in Madison

Soulpreneur Circle: on TIME

Monday, October 7th 5-6:30 PM at Bohemian Oasis Healing Center

In traditional business models, time is often viewed linearly—moving from one task to another, driven by goals and outcomes, and money is thought of as the primary form of currency. As a Soulpreneur, however, we know that our TIME is our most valuable currency and time is often experienced more cyclically, mirroring the natural ebb and flow of the creative process. There will be moments of rapid expansion and growth, followed by periods of rest and integration.

In this Soulpreneur Circle, join a group of purpose-driven female entrepreneurs for conversation, connection and coaching. We will discuss our relationship to time in our business, and learn how we can make mindset and strategy shifts to expand our perception of time, increase the value of our time, and step into more abundance through effective time-management.

Create & grow your business to be in alignment with who you are & where you are going.

Combining mindset techniques with tangible skills, we’ll create a clear plan of action for starting your online business, or pivoting your existing business in a more holistic way. 

Work with me

Branding & web design


Coaching & consulting


During my time partnering with Jess, I have become more clear about the next chapter of my business.

She has helped me review and refine my “why” as well as my “how.” I am thankful to have Jess in my corner to support me, challenge me, and celebrate me. 



Leadership & Personal Development Coach

It was really great to blend mindfulness and spirituality, self worth and centeredness with business plans and goals.

That was a new experience for me. It helped me to get a lot of clarity around actions to take and specific measurable results.



Holistic Wellness Practitioner

Working with Jess was a wonderful experience from start to finish!

She asked logistical questions about my business, as well as questions about my design style to gain a full understanding of what I was looking for. Jess had consistent, clear communication and a very efficient process. 

Danica Rae

Integrative Health & Wellness Coach

Resources for Entrepreneurs

The Blog:

The 4 Seasons of the Business Cycle

Recently I hosted a Soulpreneur Circle on TIME, and one of the things we talked about is how time is cyclical. Though much of our culture is focused on linear time,...

Using Your Human Design Undefined Energy Centers to Clarify Your Niche + Messaging

This Post is a Podcast Episode too!If you don't have your HD chart in front of you as you listen to this episode, I recommend that you grab it (FREE!) here.  In Human...

How is Perfectionism Holding you Back in your Life & Business

This post is also a podcast episode!Do you consider yourself a "Perfectionist"? Maybe not, but this is one of the most common blocks that I see again and again with...

The Podcast:

The new podcast for visionary entrepreneurs looking to start or grow an online business that is aligned with their ideal lifestyle!

Features mini-coaching sessions as well as interviews with inspiring female entrepreneurs.

Let’s connect on Instagram

FREE 30 Minute Clarity Call!

Plus get my Services & Pricing Document

Get the FREE Masterclass!

Branding by Design: Use your Human Design to create a Soul Brand

Copyright Jess Parvin Designs, LLC. All Rights Reserved.