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Watch the Workshop!

Once you enter your information, you will need to confirm your email address, then you will be sent the workshop recording.

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Don’t know your Human Design yet?

Grab your FREE Bodygraph Chart and profile right here!


Free 90 minute workshop!

An interactive experience using Human Design to help you set goals and take aligned action! 

✨ Uncover Your Big Vision: Dive deep into your desires and clarify what a purpose-aligned year looks like for YOU.

✨ Harness Your Human Design: Tap into your unique energetic blueprint to set goals that flow effortlessly with your natural rhythm.

✨ Map Aligned Action Steps: Create a soul-centered strategy to turn your dreams into reality with confidence and ease.

*Before you watch the workshop, be sure to grab your Human Design chart by entering your birth data in the above section! 

Watch the Workshop!

You will receive the recording via email once you CONFIRM your email (check your SPAM folder!)

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Free Masterclass Video

Branding by Design:

Use your Human Design to create a Soul Brand

Watch the Masterclass!

Once you confirm your email, you will receive a link to watch the Masterclass!

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Copyright Jess Parvin Designs, LLC. All Rights Reserved.