Holistic Business Growth with Jess Parvin - Blog

Articles for Entrepreneurs

Client Feature: Kari Mysker of Ether Wellness

Client Feature: Kari Mysker of Ether Wellness

When Kari and I first met, she was working as a fitness trainer at a few studios around Madison, and building her knowledge as a nutrition and wellness coach. This was the career path she had landed on after having a corporate job that left her unhappy, stressed, and...

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How to Cultivate an Entrepreneurial Mindset

How to Cultivate an Entrepreneurial Mindset

This Post is a Podcast Episode too! In this solo podcast episode, I break down some of the most important mindset shifts + strategies for new entrepreneurs to cultivate the attitude needed to walk this path of soulpreneurship. I've noticed a lot of trends with clients...

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Mexico Retreat!

Mexico Retreat!

Listen to the Podcast Episode with my Retreat Co-Host, Candy!For the past six years, I've had the incredible fortune of leaving the U.S. each winter for 2-5 months to live, work, and travel abroad (a HUGE perk of being self-employed). These breaks from "normalcy" fuel...

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The 4 Seasons of the Business Cycle

The 4 Seasons of the Business Cycle

Recently I hosted a Soulpreneur Circle on TIME, and one of the things we talked about is how time is cyclical. Though much of our culture is focused on linear time, that's not how our bodies, our planet, and our businesses actually experience it. I was thinking about...

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How is Perfectionism Holding you Back in your Life & Business

How is Perfectionism Holding you Back in your Life & Business

This post is also a podcast episode!Do you consider yourself a "Perfectionist"? Maybe not, but this is one of the most common blocks that I see again and again with clients, myself, and friends. We are sabotaging ourselves and preventing our businesses from growing,...

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Healing Through Entrepreneurship (and what that looks like)

Healing Through Entrepreneurship (and what that looks like)

This Post is a Podcast Episode too!As I mentioned in a recent blog post, I was recently in India for 2 months and during that time I was mostly focused on a personal healing journey, which culminated with a 3 week stay at an Ayurvedic "village". In this podcast...

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What role does Social Media play in your business?

What role does Social Media play in your business?

Lately I have had several conversations with coaching clients, who are new entrepreneurs, and they are *stressed* out because they think that they have to be on social media. And not only that, but their posts have to be "perfect" (no such thing), which generally...

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When and Why to Increase Your Prices

When and Why to Increase Your Prices

I am always shocked when I talk to a new client and they tell me that they haven't raised their prices in 3, 5, even 7 years!! Shocked, yes, but not terribly surprised- this is actually really common with heart-centered entrepreneurs, especially women. So if raising...

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