by Jess | Mar 26, 2024 | Business Basics, Business Growth, Marketing
Lately I have had several conversations with coaching clients, who are new entrepreneurs, and they are *stressed* out because they think that they have to be on social media. And not only that, but their posts have to be “perfect” (no such thing), which...
by Jess | Mar 21, 2024 | Business Basics, Business Growth, Marketing
I am always shocked when I talk to a new client and they tell me that they haven’t raised their prices in 3, 5, even 7 years!! Shocked, yes, but not terribly surprised- this is actually really common with heart-centered entrepreneurs, especially women. So if...
by Jess | Oct 9, 2023 | Business Basics, Human Design, Mindset & Lifestyle, Uncategorized
Listen to the podcast episode! What is Human Design and how can we use it to help us in our businesses and careers? Human Design is an amazing tool that combines ancient wisdom like astrology, the chakra system, I-Ching, and more with quantum physics. Each of us has a...
by Jess | Aug 22, 2023 | Business Basics, Business Growth, Client Features, Mindset & Lifestyle
Listen to the podcast interview here! Listen on Apple Podcasts // Listen on Spotify Jessica Mele is a writer and philanthropic advisor who has just wrapped up 8 years working at the William & Flora Hewlett Foundation, and is now launching her new brand –...
by Jess | Aug 8, 2023 | Business Basics, Business Growth, Marketing, Mindset & Lifestyle
This is also a podcast episode! Are you working on creating a soul-inspired business? One that lights you up, utilizes your gifts & talents, and helps people? These are the people I LOVE working with- whether you’re just starting a side-hustle, or...
by Jess | Jun 19, 2023 | Business Basics, Business Growth, Mindset & Lifestyle, Uncategorized
This is a question that I hear a lot and, of course, the simple answer is that there’s no PERFECT or “right” time necessarily, and that coaching can certainly be helpful at any stage of starting or running a business. In general, the most important...